These are decorated with white chocolate leaves, dusted with edible lustre dust to echo the colours of autumn leaves
for the rice Krispie squares
227g dairy toffees
125g butter
200g marshmallows
200g Rice Krispies
to decorate
125g white chocolate
metallic fire cracker edible lustre dust
To make the rice krispie cakes, first base line or grease a 30x20cm tin. Then place the unwrapped toffees, marshmallows and butter in a large bowl and cook in a microwave on high for 2 min, stir well after 1min then continue to cook. Or place the toffees, marshmallows and butter in a heavy based pan and cook over a low heat, stirring for 5min, or until melted and smooth. Once the mixture is evenly melted and smooth, add the Rice Krispies to the melted mixture and stir to combine then spoon into the prepared tin and press down well. Set aside to cool then cut into 5cm squares.
For the chocolate leaves, break the white chocolate up into chunks and place in a bowl. Place the bowl over a small pan of just boiled water and leave until the chocolate is melted. Then remove the bowl from the pan and stir well until the chocolate is smooth and runny. Carefully wipe the back of some small leaves (I use mint, rose and beech leaves) with a damp cloth. And with a small brush, simply paint your leaves with the chocolate to give a thick and even layer. Lay the painted leaves on a plate lined with parchment or non stick paper and pop them in the fridge for 2-3hours or until set. Once they are set, you can peel off the leaves so the lovely imprint of the leaf is exposed. Lightly brush the chocolate leaves with the edible lustre dust and use to decorate your Rice Krispie squares.